MT Fast Logic
With great optimization, comes great speed. Fast logic provides significant acceleration compared to vanilla logic gates and makes the use of logic for practical purposes much more viable.
The mod adds a “fast logic gate” which behaves just like a vanilla logic gate, until you hover over it and press U. This will significantly increase the speed at which your logic runs. On top of this, fast logic gates allow you to change the color of their connection dot with the help of the multitool.
The multitool is the part of the mod I was responsible for. It is a new tool that allows players to easily manipulate logic efficiently. It has functions that work with the rest of the mod such as converting to fast logic or silicon and colorizing the fast logic connection dots. It also has functions that let you quickly and effortlessly manufacture logic by creating large amounts of connections quickly. On top of that, many helper tools are present that allow you to debug your logic quickly.
Arguably the most important mode the tool adds is called Tensor Connect. Tensor Connect maps logic across space by projecting connections from one origin to another using user-defined vector transformations and step counts. It generates systematic grids of connections, replicating patterns across space - all in a single operation. If you wanted to describe making connections in terms of big O notation, some connections can be described as O(n^k), but with Tensor Connect, you can make them in O(k). This is the type of improvement that can turn a project that would take weeks into a project that takes seconds.
The copy-paste mode works in a similar way to the Tensor Connect mode, but instead of projecting connections across space, it projects whatever logic gates you selected across space. This is useful for quickly creating large amounts of logic that are the same. I made memory in 30 seconds using this mode.